Name:Angry Motors


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Welcome to the Angry Motor's web site.
We're glad you could make it. Please take the time to learn more about our company, and then you can send your comments by e-mail. This is a great opportunity for us to let you know about our company.

We are a bunch of excitable young professionals who enjoy the sound of a roaring motor. Have you ever heard the sound of a loud motor-big or small; sounds angry doesn't it! Ang! Anggg!! Angggg!!! Angry Motors. No other name would do the motor justice!! And besides, we all can relate to the cool sound of a grumbling motor!

However, there is more to this company than grumbling sounds. Sure we love the name and it sounds cool, but there are more noble and intimate reasons why we got into the scooter/ATV business.


This story is actually true for many of us at Angry Motors. Think back to the early college years. Difficult commute, even if you lived on campus (on some campuses). Transportation was tough. Couldn't afford a car to get to class, let alone get around. Those were the cheesy days. It would have been nice to own even a scooter-affordable and reliable. We have team members in Angry Motors who got around on scooters during their senior years in high school; and loved not having to walk, take the bus, or wait for Mom to crank up that old station wagon. For many of us, we remember the independence that the scooter brought in high school, as well as in college. And that is why we support high school, and college students who just want to get around and have fun doing it. Yes, we give hook-ups (better known as discounts) to high school and college students. High school students must provide grades, and college students must provide a valid college ID card.


Now you know where our name comes from, and why we are in business. Because at one time or another we either had a scooter that came through for us, and gave us the independence we wanted; or wish we had a quicker way to get around. Cars were and are often too expensive for a person just staring out (and lets not mention car insurance), and bicycles were lots of work up hill! Why else are we in this business: for FUN! Have you seen the new scooters! Age is hardly a factor now-a-days. Almost everyone can own and operate a fun little gadget that's exciting, gets you around, and allow you to have some fun doing it. We continue to stay true to our values:
  1. Love the sound of an angry motor
  2. Want to have affordable transportation
  3. And have fun doing it


However, it's all fun and games until someone gets poked in the eye. So when we talk about fun, we have to consider safety. Therefore safety is our first priority. Always wear your helmet and necessary padding. Follow the safety tips on your manual! We are very down to earth at Angry Motors. We keep a big smile on our faces and are never angry with our customers. Our job is to keep the customers happy, on the phone or in person; while we keep the Motors Angry! If you are interested in any of our three values: We are interested in talking with you. Please contact us by email, mail or phone and we will respond promptly.

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Angry Motors